
[Event] Sponsorship of Yoga Festival 2021

[Event] Sponsorship of Yoga Festival 2021

Table of Contents

  • What is a Yoga Festival?
  • Yoga Festival 2021 Details
  • Yoga and CBD
  • [Event] Sponsorship of Yoga Festival 2021

    What is a Yoga Festival?

    Kosmic Market is a sponsor of the Yoga Festival and supports its activities. This time, we were able to provide merchandise for the CBD brand MEDTERRA.

    We would like to offer various suggestions for enjoying a life with yoga.

    The Yoga Festival is a yoga event that was started with this idea in mind. (For more information, click here.)

    Reference: https://yogakko.com/matsuri_2021/#menulink01

    Yoga Festival 2021 Details

    Event period: March 1st to March 31st, 2021

    This year, due to the influence of the coronavirus, in addition to participating in the studio, you can also participate online. Video content is distributed every day, and you can watch yoga classes by many instructors. (Click here for a detailed schedule ↓)

    Reference: https://yogakko.com/matsuri_2021/#menulink02

    Yoga and CBD

    The " heart chakra " is widely known in the world of yoga. It is also related to CBD .

    Many people may wonder how the heart chakra and CBD are related. The commonly known effects of CBD are relaxation and pain relief. But why is CBD effective against mental and physical fatigue in the first place? To answer this question, we need to learn about "homeostasis."


    Homeostasis is the ability of an organism to maintain a constant internal environment. It is also known as the organism's natural healing or self-healing ability. As organisms age and experience stress from environmental changes, their neurotransmission ability declines, making it impossible for them to maintain this ability normally. CBD (cannabidiol) is the ingredient that supports this.

    In other words, by maintaining normal homeostasis with CBD , you can maximize the natural healing powers that your body has and its ability to adapt to changes in the environment, which ultimately leads to the alleviation of stress and pain.

    Now, going back to the main topic, the causes of imbalance in the heart chakra are closely related to the environment and stress. If that is the case, then of course maintaining homeostasis with CBD will naturally bring balance to the heart chakra . By taking CBD before yoga or meditation and enhancing its effects, you may be able to feel a more fulfilling lifestyle.

    Reference: https://kosmicmarket.com/blogs/news/heart-meditation

    Reference: https://kosmicmarket.com/collections/medterra/

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