Why we need lavender distilled water "Hydrosol" now
Lavender hydrosol surpasses the super antibacterial essential oil "lavender"!?
Orders for organic lavender essential oil have increased dramatically amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lavender is a plant known for its relaxing effects and for its soothing and regenerative properties for the skin, so we thought this was due to the need for stress relief and beauty treatments while staying at home.
But, it was for a completely different reason that it was attracting attention.
I saw several tweets recommending lavender essential oil along with keywords like exposure and detoxification, and it all made sense to me.
Everyone was paying attention to the antibacterial effects of lavender.
Linalool, the main component of lavender essential oil, has the following effects:
・Antibacterial effect
Antifungal effect
・Antiviral effect
Sedative effect
Anti-anxiety effect
It also contains the fungicidal ingredient terpinene yonol, making it an essential oil with extremely strong antibacterial properties.
This is why lavender essential oil is so popular.
Furthermore, recent studies have demonstrated that linalool has radiation protection properties.
Distilled water is also safe to use on the skin and in your mouth.
It can be diluted with a carrier oil and applied to the skin, diffused, or inhaled.
Since the purpose is health care rather than just enjoying the scent, it makes sense that more and more people are looking for safe, organic, medical-grade products.
If that's the case, there's something even better!
So, I would like to introduce you to "Lavender Hydrosol" .
This is aromatic distilled water obtained during the refining process of lavender essential oil.
It contains the same ingredients as essential oils, but its biggest advantage is that it can be taken orally.
It can be added to drinks and food and taken directly into the body.
Of course, you can also apply it directly to your skin. It's such a safe organic product that we also recommend using it as a lotion.
It is useful for purifying the air and spraying on clothes and bedding, and is also recommended for people who live with pets and cannot use a diffuser.
What's more, this lavender hydrosol is also great for detoxing.
If you are looking to detox, take it as follows:
1) Add 1 tablespoon of hydrosol to 1 liter of water and drink it over the course of a day.
② Add 1 teaspoon of hydrosol to a cup of warm water and drink it three times a day.
Continue either method ① or ② for approximately 15 to 20 days.
Boosting your immune system and feeling cheerful and calm.
Plants, minerals, and the power of nature will help us with what we need right now.
Oshadhi is a brand that was started with the aim of helping many people utilize the mysterious powers of nature.
Please make good use of this gift of nature, lavender hydrosol.
Reference: https://carrieroflight.com/?p=950
Reference: https://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/up_load_files/press29/press-170622-1.pdf