Spring Allergies
*This column is a Japanese translation of an excerpt from "Essays on Holistic Aromatherapy" by Dr. Malte Hozzel.
Breathe easy and enjoy the breath of spring
As we approach spring, the air is filled with delicate scents.
The first buds on the almond trees. The buzzing of busy bees.
Birds chirp. Their enchanting melodies.
It's the most satisfying moment of the year.
Everywhere you look, there is an abundance of new energy and beauty.
As the days get longer, the cheerful signs of spring begin to spread among us.
My whole body feels full of energy and I'm itching to escape from the winter heat that has kept me cooped up inside.
But spring can also be a very troublesome season for many people.
Yes, allergies.
In modern society, hay fever and allergic rhinitis have become major spring concerns.
It is estimated that more than 33 % of the population in industrialized countries suffers from the disease.
According to the WHO, 50 % of the world's population could face this problem by 2050 .
Most spring allergies are caused by pollen.
Pollen is usually completely harmless, but if your immune system sees it as an invader, it can trigger a strong reaction.
・Incessant sneezing
- Itchy eyes, watery eyes
Runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy nose
-Diminished or complete loss of sense of smell
These symptoms can make a person feel lethargic and as if their life energy has been drained away.
A few decades ago, our bodies would not have responded in this way.
There were fewer synthetics, antibiotics, chemicals and low-quality foods.
However, today there are many more foreign substances that can easily trigger an overreaction of the immune system.
Furthermore, in our complex modern lives where we are exposed to a variety of stimuli, our nervous systems are often exposed to stress.
This also causes allergies.
Aromatherapy is a great natural solution to relieve allergy symptoms and may even address the underlying causes of your allergies.
So, are you ready to surrender yourself to the fresh, exciting breeze of spring?
Prevent allergies with essential oils
Certain essential oils are very effective in preventing and treating hay fever.
It relieves symptoms such as inflammation and itching of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, and relieves accumulated stress and nervous fatigue.
Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)
This beautifully fragrant and soothing essential oil helps reduce allergic airway inflammation and mucus production.
In addition to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, it can help balance the immune system and reduce and prevent allergies.
Roman chamomile has long been used to treat gastrointestinal symptoms and is highly effective in treating allergies caused by the digestive system. It is also suitable for treating allergic skin conditions such as eczema.
●Dilute in a carrier oil and apply a drop under the eye (carefully avoiding contact with eyes) to instantly soothe an itchy nose and redness.
Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
A champion anti-allergy agent, tarragon is highly valued in folk medicine.
In many cultures, this oil has proven medical benefits for a variety of allergies.
Tarragon also has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve all symptoms of rhinitis.
Blue tansy oil also has very strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (not to be confused with tansy oil!).
The beauty of aromatherapy is the versatility of essential oils.
Each essential oil has more than one beneficial effect; it can have physiological, mental and emotional healing effects.
Roman chamomile , lavender , tarragon, and blue tansy are excellent for reducing anxiety and stress and improving the quality of your sleep.
It also helps detoxify the body and boosts the immune system.
You may also want to consider detoxing as a way to combat allergies.
Detoxing helps our bodies and our immune systems.
Be prepared for the pollen to fly.
●Add one drop each of the four oils - Roman chamomile , lavender , tarragon, and blue tansy - to the roll-on type or massage blend to create a "blend oil for hay fever."
The effects can be further enhanced by adding expectorant oils such as spike lavender , pine (Scotch) , ravensara , and eucalyptus .
This oil will clear your sinuses and make your breathing clearer.
Harmony with the cycle of nature
How wonderful the rhythm of nature is.
It responds to what is inside of us.
Summer. The sun is shining, spirits are high, flowers are blooming, and our bodies are full of energy to explore the world.
Autumn is the season when nature slowly prepares to rest, and we humans also slow down and reminisce about summer memories.
Winter is a time when nature tells us to stay indoors and get plenty of rest.
While nature is in a deep slumber, humans stay indoors and have fun.
Spring. Just like the sap overflowing from a tree, our bodies are filled with energy.
The bees begin to clean the hive of accumulated dust and toxins.
When we reflect on the cycles of nature, we realize that we humans are also part of nature.
Perhaps allergies are a reminder of this essential connection?
Do we need to clean ourselves like bees?
Fortunately, the harmonizing properties of essential oils can help us restore nature's natural balance.
Roman chamomile, lavender, tarragon, and blue tansy are medicinal plants that will help you tune into the rhythms of nature and feel the joy of spring.
Personal experience
Personal stories sent to Dr. Malte
🌿 Claire
"I have suffered from seasonal allergies for years.
I've tried everything from eye drops to antihistamines, but nothing has worked.
This year I decided to put an essential oil diffuser in my room.
I diffuse lavender, ravensara, and tarragon.
I also bought some nasal spray with essential oils at the pharmacy.
My eyes are not red or itchy.
Now you can enjoy spring in peace!
🌿 Sylvie
"I suffer from severe allergic asthma and have come close to death.
I also suffered from eczema in the spring.
Doctors put me on dozens of different cortisone creams and sprays with mixed results.
So I decided to take control of my health and started using essential oils.
As a result, my asthma disappeared, and my chronic eczema also disappeared ...
It's amazing how much can change in just one month!
I enjoy being outside and even rolling around on the freshly cut grass.
I didn't have hay fever, I was just allergic to chemicals!"
🌿 Linda S.
"I have really bad allergies and can't take any medicine.
So I decided to try some lavender essential oil that a friend had brought over.
When I inhaled the scent of the essential oils, I felt great.
It was a great experience.
After a few minutes I was able to breathe again and my eyes were no longer tired.
My allergies were gone within a few days.
I had no idea lavender essential oil could be so powerful."
🌿 Cheryl E.
"My allergies have gradually gotten worse since my mid -30s .
The allergist gave me allergy shots and prescribed all kinds of allergy medicines, nasal drops.
I also used an inhaler. These were becoming increasingly expensive and my insurance company was offering less and less coverage.
I thought there must be something better than putting this in my body, so I decided to try some essential oils that someone recommended to me.
It's lavender oil.
I put one drop on the soles of my feet, temples, sinuses (avoiding the eyes), under my nose, nose, forehead, and base of my neck.
After doing this morning and night for a few weeks, I noticed I was sneezing less.
So I stopped taking all my medication and made a roll-on using lavender oil, eucalyptus, lavandula angustifolia, and pine (Scotch) essential oils.
These three oils in addition to the lavender oil really helped.
I still continue to use it. I carry a roll-on with me and use it instead of my inhaler when I need it."
🌿 Dominique
" I have hay fever. I have taken an aromatherapy course.
I use tarragon essential oil and it really is miraculous.
Just smell it at the start of your day and place a drop on your solar plexus ( the sympathetic plexus behind your stomach ) and you'll be free of allergy symptoms for the rest of the day.
After 3 days of this, my allergies were gone.
All week long. Nature gives us so many solutions!"