Read in English愛とロマンスについて
トニー ロビンズ
トニー ロビンズ(アメリカで有名な起業家で、ビジネスや人間関係の最高のコーチです。自己啓発書作家としても有名です。)は言いました。「真実の愛とは、幸運で手に入れるものではありません。また、相性が良いからといって、築けるものでもありません。長続きする真実の愛とは、努力の産物です。あなたがパートナーと特別な関係を築く方法は3つしかありません。あなたがパートナーの考えを尊重し否定しない方法を学ぶこと、パートナーの素晴らしい個性を時間をかけて理解すること、ネガティブやマンネリを楽しく解決する方法を見つけることです。」
1. イランイラン
- イランイラン精油 3滴
- スウィートオレンジ精油 3滴
- クラリセージ精油 2滴
2. ジンジャー
- ジンジャー精油 10滴
- スウィートオレンジ精油 6滴
- スウィートアーモンドオイル 1/4カップ
- ガラス瓶 60mLサイズ
- ガラス瓶に材料を入れいます。
- 良く振ります。
- オイルを手に取り人肌で温めてから、目的の場所にマッサージしてお楽しみください。
3. ローズ
- ハチミツ 小さじ一杯
- ブラウンシュガー 小さじ2杯
- ローズ精油 2滴
滑らかなペースト状になるまで、すべての材料を一緒にかき混ぜます。 指先で唇に少量を塗り、ぬるま湯ですすいでください。
4. サンダルウッド
“I love you” リネンスプレー
- サンダルウッド 35滴
- パイン 35滴
- ラベンダー 30滴
5. ネロリ
- ネロリ 2滴
- ローズ 1滴
- ゼラニウム 3滴
6. クラリセージ
- ゼラニウム 3滴
- クラリセージ 4滴
- スウィートオレンジ 6滴
7. ジャスミン
- ジャスミン 4滴
- フランキンセンス 3滴
- スウィートオレンジ 3滴
参考:https://helloglow.co/essential-oils-for-love/Index of this content
- Essential Oils for Love + How to Use Them
- 1. Ylang ylang
- 2. Ginger
- 3. Rose
- 4. Sandalwood
- 5. Neroli
- 6. Clary Sage
- 7. Jasmine
Relationships, Love and Romance
Tony Robbins (American Famous Business and Relationship Coach) says truly extraordinary and successful relationships don’t come to people because they are lucky, unusually well-matched, completely similar or drowning in great chemistry. Extraordinary, loving, long-lasting, healthy relationships are the products of hard work, determination and the applied practice of the laws of love. Learning how to never question the intent of your partner, to take the time to appreciate what makes them unique and wonderful and finding ways to interrupt negative or repetitive patterns in fun and interesting ways are just three of the laws that can help you create an extraordinary relationship.
Source: https://www.tonyrobbins.com/ultimate-relationship-guide/Essential Oils for Love + How to Use Them
Aromatherapy can play a powerful role in relationships—in fact, some essential oils are so good at sparking passionate feelings that they’re believed to be aphrodisiacs. This Valentine’s Day, or for your next special anniversary, spice things up with one of these essential oils for love and romance.
1. Ylang ylang
The sweet floral aroma of ylang ylang has a relaxing effect that makes it popular for romance. The exotic scent calms anxiety and is believed to help release inhibitions. In fact, petals of the ylang ylang flower have traditionally been scattered on the beds of newlyweds. Ylang ylang has a strong scent, which can become overwhelming, but it pairs well with bright citrus oils. Put some love in the air with this blend of sweet ylang ylang and uplifting orange and clary sage.
Honeymoon night diffusion
- 3 drops ylang ylang
- 3 drops sweet orange
- 2 drops clary sage
Just drop these essential oils into an electric diffuser, adjusting the ratio as needed for your machine, and set it up in your bedroom.
2. Ginger
When it comes to essential oils for love, the musky, earthy aroma of ginger is said to be very arousing. A warming oil that has traditionally been used to get the blood flowing, ginger is believed to help with building feelings of courage and confidence.
Homemade Ginger Massage Oil
- 10 drops Ginger essential oil
- 6 drops sweet Orange essential oil
- 1/4 cup Sweet Almond Oil
- 2 fl oz Glass Pump Bottle
- Add ingredients into glass bottle
- shake well
- To use, squirt 2-3 pumps into palm and warm oil between hands then massage onto desired location and enjoy.
3. Rose
The blooming floral fragrance of pure rose oil is thought to bring about feelings of love, care, and comfort. Not only does rose oil support women’s reproductive health, its aroma has been shown to have a calming effect, which also creates an environment of relaxation that can help foster intimacy.Pucker up scrub
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 2 teaspoons brown sugar
- 2 drops rose
Stir all ingredients together until you have a smooth paste. Apply a small amount to your lips using your fingertips, then rinse with warm water.
4. Sandalwood
Sandalwood might not be your first pick for essential oils for love, but its warm, woody aroma soothes nerves and is often used to help promote sexual feelings, especially in men. Spritz your linens to set the scene with this exotic aroma.
“I love you” linen spray
- 35 drops sandalwood
- 35 drops pine
- 30 drops lavender
Fill a 4-ounce spray bottle with 1/8 cup vodka (the higher the proof, the better), and add the essential oils. Let sit for 5 minutes, then fill the bottle with distilled water and mist linens.
5. Neroli
A great oil for anxiety, neroli is a delicate citrus oil that can set the mood by helping to calm the nerves. You can even wear it by itself as a light perfume.
Steamy synergy
- 2 drops neroli
- 1 drop rose
- 3 drops geranium
This is a lovely blend for diffusing or adding to your bath. Add essential oils to one ounce of carrier oil, then dissolve into 1 cup Epsom salt and add to a warm bath.
6. Clary Sage
Clary sage is known for its usefulness in women’s menstrual issues, but the unique musky, herbal scent is also frequently used as an aphrodisiac due to its ability to promote feelings of relaxation.
Love-at-first-scent sachets
- 3 drops geranium
- 4 drops clary sage
- 6 drops sweet orange
You can scent dried rosebuds with this pretty blend to create a passion-inspiring potpourri mix. Just pour it into small cotton bags, then store them in your lingerie drawer. Or transfer the potpourri to a decorative bowl on your nightstand or dresser.
7. Jasmine
One of our favorite essential oils for love, the sultry scent of jasmine has long been used as an aphrodisiac for both men and women. The heady floral aroma can help boost your mood and promote feelings of confidence. Try a bit of this evocative scent on the inside of your wrists, behind your ears, and on other pulse points.
Enchantress perfume
- 4 drops jasmine
- 3 drops frankincense
- 3 drops sweet orange
Add the essential oils into a 10 ml roll-on applicator, then fill the tube with a carrier oil. Shake well before each use.
Source: https://helloglow.co/essential-oils-for-love/