ハートチャクラ(第4チャクラ)について - The heart chakra (4th chakra)

ハートチャクラ(第4チャクラ)について - The heart chakra (4th chakra)



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エッセンシャルオイルはチャクラのバランスを整えるのに最も適しています。ハーバリストで鍼医(はりい)でもある Deganit Nuur がおすすめするハートチャクラをサポートするオイルをご紹介いたします。Nuurは、New York Times、Vogue、Vanity Fair、Elleからも取材を受けている有名なハーバリストです。




  1. 胸の中心にサンダルウッドのエッセンシャルオイルを数滴垂らします。胸をマッサージし、胸骨から肩に向かって外側に動かします。 キャリアオイルにブレンドすることで、胸の高さから鎖骨まで胸の上部全体に馴染ませることができます。あなたの心拍が遅くなるのを体験してください。 また、サンダルウッドは、瞑想前に使うのがベストです。
  2. サンダルウッドで調理したり、お茶に入れたり、香りとして身に付けたり、持ち運んだりすることで、誰かとのつながりを保つことができます。 あなたにとって最も重要であり、あなたの平穏な生活をサポートします。

参考: https://goop.com/wellness/spirituality/the-secret-sauce-to-opening-the-intuition//


  • ローズ:ハートチャクラを開き、あなたは無条件の愛を感じることができます。思いやり、育成、そして愛のためにあなたの能力を目覚めさせながら、幸福と平穏の感覚を与えます。
  • レモン:ハートチャクラを自己愛と自己育成に開きます。精神を高めながら明るくなります。
  • ネロリ:ハートチャクラを開き、神経系の自然な精神安定剤は、あなたの精神を高揚し、自信、喜び、平和を奨励しています。
  • マジョラム:孤独や孤立を感じたときに、暖かさ、思いやり、自己育成を回復します。
  • ラベンダー:リラックスし、ストレスを解消し、恐怖を解放するのに役立ちます。これにより、心とのつながりが促進されます。
  • セイヨウノコギリソウ:その傷は資質を癒しと負傷した心によって引き起こされる怒りを解放するための知られています。
  • ジャスミン:感情的なシステムをバランスアップリフティングと喜びに満ちた油は、不安を和らげ、そしてうつ病や無関心に役立ちます。
  • カモミール:穏やかで明確な心を促進し、感情的な混乱やうつ病を軽減します。
  • ゼラニウム:この感情的な癒しの油は、他の人に自信と信頼を復元します。それは愛まで壊れた心とオープン1を癒すのに役立ちます。




  • ラベンダー 2滴
  • ローズ 2滴
  • ゼラニウム 1滴


  • スウィートオレンジ 10滴
  • イランイラン 6滴
  • フランキンセンス 4滴
  • ゼラニウム 2滴
  • ローラーボトル 10mLサイズ
  • ホホバオイル


参考: https://www.lovingessentialoils.com/

Index of this content


The heart chakra (4th chakra)

What is a heart chakra?

In ancient meditation practices and other teachings like yoga, tantra and ayurveda, the heart chakra governs our heart/cardiovascular health, and lungs/respiratory health.

The 4th Chakra also known as The Heart Center represents the space of Unconditional Love, the transition from “I” to “We,” the Compassion, neutrality, understanding and acceptance. located at the chest center on the central energy channel that is parallel to the spine.

At the center of our chest is this green, spinning vortex of love, compassion, unity, interdependence, forgiveness, acceptance, connection, inspiration. This chakra is all about connection—with ourselves, our people, and our environment. The heart is the great connector that allows us a healthy balance of all that inspires and grounds us, self-love and love for others, giving and receiving. When we are here, we are one with the entirety of life. We recognize that I am because you are, and the way we treat ourselves, others, life, and all living creatures echoes that divine truth. Love is not a feeling (those reside in the second chakra), it is a vibration, a frequency, a force that moves mountains.

When our heart chakras are out of balance we tend to feel judgmental, catty, jealous, envious, sad, or lonely. We’ll tend to isolate ourselves by either withdrawing, attacking, or being cold or defensive. We may experience heart palpitations, shortness of breath, feel dizzy, experience social anxiety, or have poor circulation.

Should our hearts be a little too open or overactive (balance is key), we may place ourselves in dangerous situations, blindly trust, tolerate abuse, enable others in dis-serving habits.

When our heart chakra is balanced we’re high on life and want to shout it from the rooftops! We have an attitude of gratitude and generously sprinkling compliments around. Should someone behave rudely toward us, we’re accepting, compassionate, forgiving. We’re connected to our feelings, empowered in our decisions; our relationships are meaningful and inspire us to connect deeply within. Our heart rate is steady, lung capacity huge, and we’re eager to soar to new great heights, even when it means leaping into the unknown.

Chakra and essential oils

The skin is our largest organ, and our body literally ingests much of what we douse it with. Essential oils work with our fascia (which lies just beneath the skin), so the healing properties of the plants are transmitted throughout our entire body. It’s such a sensual, luxurious way to ingest medicine.

Essential oils are particularly great for treating common chakra imbalances—more below, along with the most effective oil that certified acupuncturist and herbalist Deganit Nuur uses to support the heart chakra. Nuur has been features in the New York Times, Vogue, Vanity Fair and Elle:

The Essential Oil: Sandalwood

Smelling of sweet, sacred wood, this oil has been used in spiritual ceremonies around the world for thousands of years, in teas, as incense, made into prayer beds, mixed into liniments, alchemized into tinctures. It’s a cure-all and an aphrodisiac, and found growing in many places around the globe, fitting, as love is all and love is for all! Among the many chakra essential-oil options, sandalwood remains my constant ace: In acupuncture, it’s known to treat the heart, spleen, and stomach meridians. Sandalwood not only opens up our hearts, it also helps the third chakra, so that love may be sustainable, constant, nourishing, and grounding (as opposed to fleeting, harmful, destructive, or inconsistent). It keeps us introspective and reflective, compassionate, thoughtful, and considerate. Its healing properties extend from digestive aid to brilliant antiseptic; it also treats pain, systemic inflammation, and hypertension; and supports mental clarity.

How to integrate sandalwood into the depths of your soul and begin to manifest your dreams:

  1. Apply a few drops of sandalwood essential oil to the very center of your chest, at your sternum. Massage this enchanting aphrodisiac into your chest, motioning outwards from your sternum (chest plate) towards your shoulders. You may want to dilute it into a carrier oil, so you can slather it on and cover your upper chest from about nipple-height to your collar bone. Surrender to its angelic embrace and experience your heartbeat slowing down. I love to use it before I meditate (and sometimes in lieu of meditation).
  2. Our heart chakra opens up to our palms. Place a drop of sandalwood in your palms. Offer light and service to all beings. This helps with boundaries, self-worth, and integrity.
  3. You can also cook with sandalwood, put it in your tea, wear it as a fragrance, or carry it with you to help keep you connected with what matters most to you, and enhance your inner-peace.

Source: https://goop.com/wellness/spirituality/the-secret-sauce-to-opening-the-intuition/

Other essential oils for the heart:

  • Rose: Opens the heart chakra and allows you to feel unconditional love. Creates a sense of well-being and calmness while awakening your ability for self-compassion, nurturing, and love.
  • Lemon: Opens the heart chakra to self-love and self-nurturing.lightens while uplifting your spirit and bringing clarity into your life.
  • Neroli: A natural tranquilizer and regulator of the nervous system that opens the heart chakra, uplifts your spirit, and encourages confidence, joy, and peace.
  • Marjoram: Restores warmth, self-compassion, and self-nurturing when feeling lonely or isolated.
  • Lavender: Helps you to relax, let go of the stress, and release fear, which fosters connect with the heart center and opens you up to more love.
  • Yarrow: Known for its wound healing qualities and releasing anger caused by a wounded heart.
  • Jasmine: Uplifting and joyous oil that balances the emotional system, soothes anxiety, and helps with depression and apathy.
  • Chamomile: Promotes a calm and clear mind and reduces emotional disruptions and depression.
  • Geranium: This emotional healing oil restores confidence and trust in others. It can help to heal a broken heart and open one up to love.

Heart Chakra Diffuser Blend


Add to your diffuser with the recommend amount of water for your machine.

  • 2 drops Lavender
  • 2 drops Rose
  • 1 drop Geranium

Heart opening Roll-on Blend

  • 10 drops sweet orange
  • 6 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 4 drops Frankincense
  • 2 drops Geranium
  • 10 ml Roller Bottle
  • Jojoba Oil

Add essential oils to roller bottle, top off with jojoba oil. Cap bottle and roll between palms to blend together. Roll onto pulse points or chest, inhale the aroma. You can roll on the upper abdomen as well (location of solar plexus chakra).

Source: https://www.lovingessentialoils.com/
