心と魂と精神のおはなし - Heart, soul and spirit

心と魂と精神のおはなし - Heart, soul and spirit

心と魂と精神のおはなし - Heart, soul and spirit


Read in English
  • 古代エジプトの心
  • 花由来のエッセンシャルオイル
  • 樹脂由来のエッセンシャルオイル
  • 柑橘類由来のエッセンシャルオイル
  • 心と魂と精神のおはなし


    古代エジプトの心 - The Ancient Egyptian Heart














    • 【ゼラニウム】古代エジプトの時代から評価されているゼラニウムエッセンシャルオイルは、ゼラニウム植物全体から抽出されます。ゼラニウムオイルは、そのフローラルの香りで香水業界で知られているだけでなく、非常に用途が広く、肌や髪の外観を高めるためによく使用されます。
    • 【ヘリクリサム (イモーテル) 】温かいスパイス、干し草のような土の果実。回復再生特性により、ヘリクサムは回復や若返りをサポートし、肌を改善します。乾燥しても強い太陽に満ちた黄色を保持するため「永遠」とも呼ばれます。色あせもしおれもしません。
    • 【ジャスミン】可憐な白い花から蒸留されたジャスミン「夜の女王」は、媚薬としての評判が高いため、長い間愛のポーションに使用されてきました。香りの官能性を超えて、ジャスミンはすべての肌タイプに有益であり、特に乾燥した敏感肌、およびストレッチマークや瘢痕を減らすのに役立ちます。なぜ高価なのかというと、エッセンシャルオイルを作るために必要な花びらの量が多いからです。 1ポンドの油を作るのに約1000ポンドの花が必要です。
    • 【ネロリ】ネロリオイルは、苦いオレンジの木の花から蒸留されます。この名前は、ネロリ伯爵夫人のアンナ・マリー王女がこのオイルを香水として使用し、手袋とお風呂の香り付けに使用していことに由来すると言われています。香りは心を落ち着かせ、高揚させる効果があり、皮膚細胞の若返りと皮膚の弾力性の改善に役立ちます。すべての肌タイプに役立ちますが、特に敏感で乾燥した成熟した肌に役立ちます。
    • 【イランイラン】この熱帯の木には、ピンク、藤色、黄色の花が咲きます。インドネシアには、イランイランの花びらで結婚式のベッドを覆う伝統があり、有名な媚薬の品質を尊重しています。



    • 【フランキンセンス】ボスウェリア属の木の樹皮から蒸留された樹脂は、レモンの香りがするウッディでスパイシーな、忘れられない香りを生み出します。それは神聖で美容的な目的のために多くの文化で使用されてきました。古代エジプト人は瞑想の助けとしてそれを神々に提供しました。
    • 【パチュリ】東アジアで育ったふさふさしたハーブ。歴史的には、シャルやシーツの香りに使用され、最近では、自由と官能性を表現する60年代の香りのシンボルです。
    • 【サンダルウッド】サンダルウッドは、ヴェーダのテキストにおける神聖さの象徴です。 ヒンドゥー教の「永遠の伝統」では、サンダルウッドは体を防腐処理するために使用されており、精神を再具現化する力があると信じられていました。
    • 【ベチバー】古くから香水に使用されており、落ち着きのある特性から「静けさのオイル」として知られています。 インド原産の草の根から蒸留されています。 また、オーラ(体の周りのエネルギー場)を浄化し、オーラシールドを強化すると言われています。



    • 【ベルガモット】アールグレイティーのフレーバーに使用される成分として一般に知られているエッセンシャルオイルは、18世紀初頭のオーデコロンでの初期の使用以来、香水に使用されてきました。 ベルガモットオレンジの果皮に由来する、フローラルな含みのある軽い柑橘系の香り。 肌の場合、ストレスに関連する肌の問題に特に役立ちます。
    • 【グレープフルーツ】柑橘系、シャープ、さわやかで苦い。混雑した脂性肌のバランスをとるのに役立ちます。比較的現代的な果物で、ブンタンとオレンジの掛け合わせによって生まれた品種です。



    Index of this content

  • The Ancient Egyptian Heart
  • Flower essential oil
  • Resin essential oil
  • Citrus essential oil
  • Heart, soul and spirit

    The Ancient Egyptian Heart

    古代エジプトの心 - The Ancient Egyptian Heart

    Since the human heart has long been associated with emotion and pleasure.

    The Egyptians believed that the heart, rather than the brain, was the source of human wisdom, as well as emotions, memory, the soul and the personality itself. Notions of physiology and disease were all connected in concept to the heart, and it was through the heart that God spoke, giving ancient Egyptians knowledge of God and God's will. For this reason it was considered the most important of the body's organs.

    It was felt that from the heart, channels (metu) linked all parts of the body together. These channels delivered not only blood, but also air, tears, saliva, mucus, sperm, nutriment and even bodily waste. In fact, the only real function of the brain was thought to be to pass mucus to the nose, so it was one of the organs that were discarded during mummification.

    Probably to some extent, this concept of channels may have had some symbolism with the Nile. Ancient Egyptians were thought to be in good health if the metu were clear and without blockage. Disease was caused when a channel became blocked, much like an irrigation canal cannot deliver water if it is blocked.

    The heart was regarded in Ancient Egypt as the organic motor of the body and also the seat of intelligence, emotion and memory - an important religious and spiritual symbol.

    Ancient Egypt was the true birthplace of essential oils, or ‘aromatherapy’ as we know it today.  The Egyptians cultivated plants for their oils and used them extensively in their religion, in cosmetics as well as for medicinal purposes.  Aromatic essence and resins were also used in the embalming process. 

    It is thought that most essential oils were produced in Egypt by a type of solvent extraction method (enfleurage) using animal fat – however, distillation “pots” have also been found dating back about 3,500 BC.

    Around the same time, China and India were exploring herbs and aromatic plants too, which would become an integral part of the Indian Ayurvedic medical system.

    The wisdom of the Egyptians was absorbed by the ancient Greeks: the most well-known physician of that time, Hippocrates (c.460-377 BC) was a firm believer in treating a patient holistically and included massage in many of his therapies.  

    Source: http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/heart.htm

    Essential oils from ancient times

    list of oils used in ancient times

    Flower essential oil

    • 【GERANIUM】Valued since Ancient Egyptian times, Geranium essential oil is extracted from the entire geranium plant. Not only is Geranium oil known in the perfume industry for its floral scent, it is also highly versatile and often used to boost the appearance of skin and hair.
    • 【IMMORTELLE (also known as Helichrysum)】Warm spice, herbaceous hay-like, succulent earthy fruit.Ever-lasting Radiance! Due to its potent restorative cell regenerating properties, Immortelle enhances healing and rejuvenation, improving the appearance of skin.‘imperfections’ Also named Immortelle, ‘everlasting’, because it retains its intense sun-filled yellow colour even when dried: the petals will neither fade nor wilt.
    • 【JASMINE】Distilled from the dainty white flowers, Jasmine ‘Queen of the Night’, has long been used in love potions due to it’s powerful reputation as an aphrodisiac. Beyond the sensuality of the fragrance, Jasmine is beneficial to all skin types and especially helpful for dry, sensitive skin, and for reducing stretch marks and scarring. The high price tag of the oil is due to the quantity of flower petals it takes to product a drop of pure essential oil. It takes around 1000 pounds of flowers to make 1 pound of the oil!
    • 【NEROLI】Neroli oil is distilled from the blossom of the bitter orange tree. The name is said to originate from an Italian Princess Anne-Marie, Countess of Neroli, who used the oil as a perfume, and to scent her gloves and bathwater. The scent has a calming, uplifting effect on the mind and is helpful for skin cell rejuvenation and improving skin elasticity. It’s helpful for all skin types, but especially for sensitive, dry and mature skin.
    • 【YLANG YLANG】Flowers of pink, mauve and yellow grow on this tropical tree. There's a tradition in Indonesia covering wedding beds with Ylang Ylang flower petals.

    associated product

    Resin essential oil

    • 【FRANKINCENSE】Distilled form the bark of Boswellia genus trees, the resin creates a haunting fragrance - woody, spicy with a hint of lemon. It has been used across many cultures for sacred and cosmetic purposes. the Ancient Egyptians offered it to the gods as an aid in meditation, and ground the charred resin into kohl for their distinctive black eyeliner.
    • 【PATCHOULI】Bushy herb grown in Eastern Asia.Historically used to scent shalls and sheets and more recently a fragrance symbol of the 60’s expressing freedom and sensuality
    • 【SANDALWOOD】The heartwood of Sandalwood is symbol of sacredness in the Vedic texts. In the “eternal tradition” of Hinduism, Sandalwood has been used for embalming bodies, and was believed to have the powers to re-incarnate one’s spirit.
    • 【VETIVER】The essential oil has been used in perfumery throughout the ages and is known as the "oil of tranquility" for its calming properties. It is distilled from the roots of a grass native to India. It is also said to be cleanse the aura - the energy field around the body - and to strengthen the auric shield. The older the root, the better the fragrance, which may explain the reason for its deep, round, musky scent.

    associated product

    Citrus essential oil

    • 【BERGAMOT】Commonly known as the ingredient used to flavour Earl Grey Tea, the essential oil has been used in perfumery since its early use in Eau de Cologne in the early 18th century. The light, citrus scent with a floral overtone is derived from the rind of the Bergamot Orange fruit. For the skin it is particularly helpful for skin issues related to stress.
    • 【GRAPEFRUIT】Citrusy, sharp, refreshing and bitter.Helps to balance congested, oily skin.A relatively modern fruit, the hybidize offspring resulting from an illicit affair between a pumelo and an orange.

    associated product

    Source: https://www.sangredefruta.com/essential-oils
