HELICHRYSUM / ヘリクリサム  - 植物学者マルテ・ホッツェル博士のノートから -

HELICHRYSUM - From the notes of botanist Dr. Malte Hoetzel -


Golden Magician of the Sun

The delicate floral notes of this precious and rare oil are unparalleled.

Let's take a look at its properties in aromatherapy.

Helichrysum is an excellent blood purifier.

It is arguably the most powerful blood thinner ever discovered.

It is particularly effective in cases of blood stagnation, such as hematomas and thrombosis.

It also provides powerful support against congestion of the liver and spleen.

It also improves blood circulation and is effective against bacterial infections.

Arthritis, polyarthritis, and rheumatism can also be treated with Helichrysum.

It has excellent skin purifying properties, as well as regenerating and wound healing properties.

It has also long been known for its excellent suppressant properties.

It has the ability to scavenge inflammatory enzymes and free radicals.

Helichrysum is the first choice (the first treatment) for eczema, acne, abscesses, burns, cuts, etc.


Botanical classification of Helichrysum

The name Helichrysum comes from the Greek words "Chrysos" (gold) and "Helios" (sun).

It is characterized by its colorful brilliance like the sun, and its flowers come in a variety of colors, from yellow to red to blue.

There are over 600 species of Helichrysum in the Asteraceae family, with a wide variety of species.

Found in Eurasia, Africa, Madagascar and Australasia, the botanical classification of this genus is extensive, complex and still controversial.

The most important and representative flower of the Asteraceae family is Helichrysum italicum , also known as Immortelle or Everlasting . It is native to the Mediterranean coastal region and is widely distributed in Italy, Spain, France, Japan, China, Korea, North Africa, etc.

Helichrysum's biochemical structure and broad range of actions

The aromatic components of Helichrysum contain large amounts of a special ketone compound called β - dione.

This ingredient has anti-hematoma and anti-blood coagulation properties.

It also contains italiziones (diketones), which are rarely found in nature, and exert special healing powers on both the body and mind.

For this reason, it is also often used to treat stress-related illnesses such as depression, lethargy, and nervous breakdowns.

Helichrysum also has the effect of regenerating skin and speeding up wound healing.

The muscle relaxant and antispasmodic effects of neryl acetate make it effective against muscle and joint pain.

It helps treat sports injuries such as stiff joints, neck pain, and pain caused by muscle contractions.

Not only that, it also acts as an anti-sepsis drug thanks to a compound called curcumene.

It is said to be more effective than German chamomile, which is widely used to reduce inflammation, and is sometimes blended with chamomile.

On the other hand, helichrysum has blood-thinning properties and is used as a treatment for high cholesterol.

As an antioxidant, it scavenges free radicals and aids in liver detoxification.

It can flush metals out of the body and boost your immune system.

In addition, its bile secretion promoting effect makes it effective against unpleasant digestive symptoms such as stomach cramps.

Helichrysum for skin regeneration and scar healing

Here are some reviews from people who have experienced the incredible powers of Helichrysum.

"In January 2013 , I fell and tore my upper lip in half. I refused to get stitches and decided to use only Manuka honey to close the wound.

As a result, the wound healed nicely, but a large acne-like scar remained on my lip. I applied helichrysum essential oil twice a day for about three months to try to get rid of the white, raised scar.

The scar tissue was reduced by 90 %. Amazing!" -Marian Dombroski

"I have very sensitive skin and it's hard to find the right beauty products for me, but luckily I came across oshadhi helichrysum hydrosol and it has changed my life !

Within 15 days, my skin was less sensitive and my blood circulation improved. The bags under my eyes were less noticeable, and even my hairdresser was amazed. I'm so impressed. I highly recommend this floral water." -Laura

"I burned my hands three times on a pot lid and Helichrysum worked wonders for me.

I only used Oshadhi Helichrysum Hydrosol and after 15 days my scars were less noticeable. I've been carrying a bottle with me ever since." -Pascal

Bruises and hearing loss

"The night before last, I lost my balance and hit my shin really hard on the corner of the bathroom sink. Within a minute , I had a bruise and a bump - a giant bump bigger than a golf ball.

Remembering that Helichrysum is the medicine of choice for bruises, I applied the oil to the bumps.

Within 10 minutes the lump had gotten smaller and the throbbing had subsided a bit.

The next morning the bump was much smaller and there was absolutely no pain or bruising !!!!

I've been using it for the past two days and it's getting better every day. I can't help but tell people about Helichrysum." -Rai

"I have a friend who has used helichrysum and marjoram essential oils three times with great results.

She has suffered from constant tinnitus for the past two years. In just a few weeks , the constant ringing has gone from 10 to around 3 or 4. Thank you so much." -Lauren

One woman who came into my therapy had suffered from repeated ear infections as a child and had long-standing hearing problems. After using Helichrysum oil, she excitedly declared within seconds that she could hear much better. "I can hear so much clearer!" she said.

She also said that her eyesight has improved. Previously, she would close or squint her eyes to concentrate on hearing. But with Helichrysum, she was able to hear sounds so clearly that she no longer needed to dull her vision to enhance her hearing. Her vision, which had been dulled, returned along with her hearing.

Rescue Remedy

The woman had been attending a two- week aromatherapy seminar I organized in Peru.

Two days before the end of the course, when I was leaving the lecture, I tripped on the stone steps and fell. I heard a loud scream and ran outside in a panic. Two female doctors from Columbia University who were also attending the seminar rushed over.

There she lay screaming in pain, and I asked one of the students to bring me some Jasmine Sambac and Helichrysum oil.

As I placed the vial of oil under her nose, the screams turned to smiles and then laughter as the two doctors couldn't believe their eyes.

I then gently applied 10-15 drops of Helichrysum oil around the injured ankle.

One of the doctors, a surgeon, told me I had three broken bones, but after a few minutes the excruciating pain had almost completely subsided.

She was immediately taken to a hospital in Cusco, where doctors said she was in remarkably good condition.

The helichrysum oil we administered worked miraculously.

The doctors were totally impressed.

A powerful ally against mental stress

Helichrysum stimulates the right brain.

It supports intuition and creativity and has a relaxing and healing effect on deep-rooted emotional stress such as anger.

It is a great help for people suffering from conditions like stress and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

These are the experiences of students taking my classes.

“I wanted to write a thank you letter to Dr. Do you remember what we talked about?

This is a story about PTSD and Helichrysum.

For those who are emotionally sensitive and suffer from PTSD , the only way to avoid the onset of PTSD is to do nothing.

Being around violent thoughts and things can have a negative impact on you.

The effects of a powerful incident that occurred last week have continued for days and continue to grow stronger.

No matter how hard I try to control my thoughts, it just doesn't work ...

A few days after the incident, I finally remembered my previous conversation with the doctor and used Helichrysum essential oil in a diffuser.

It was perfect. 30 minutes after burning the Helichrysum essential oil, I felt the stress that had been building up for days just melt away.

With each deep breath, stress leaves your body.

The effects were incredibly dramatic: the true causes of my stress and even the true nature of who I am as a person became clearer to me.

The experience of my mind being purified with each passing second lasted for about 45 minutes.

Helichrysum is so miraculous. Truly .... " -Cynthia

Indeed, there are few plants that have so many beneficial properties. It is fair to call it a miracle plant.

The miracle plant Helichrysum has the amazing property of being highly fluid.

It can be described as a "super-liquid" flower that has vibrational energy that releases both physical and spiritual energy.

Mental and psychological blocks and old scars impede our spiritual flow.

Heal wounds many and invisible with Helichrysum, a magical plant for body and soul, filled with energy that enhances the self-healing ability ...


Essays on Holistic AromatherapyDr.Malte Hozzel

Helichrysum related products

Helichrysum Essential Oil Helichrysum Hydrosol

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