Announcement of new product launch
Thank you for using Cosmic Market. Today, we are pleased to introduce a new product from KOSMIC MEDIA, which delivers information on organic and wellness trends from around the world. It is a silver ion brand from America, which is highly wellness-conscious. While this product is not yet very familiar in Japan, various brands that use silver ions as supplements have appeared in the United States. Among these many brands, SOVEREIGN SILVER is a pioneer and has the highest sales record. (Based on a survey by SPINS, USA, for the total of 2019)
The power of silver with its antibacterial, antibacterial and deodorizing effects
Did you know about the "bacterial, antibacterial and deodorizing" effects of metals such as gold, silver and copper? These metals have the power to remove bacteria and germs by ionizing. Protect your family with safe and gentle ingredients that do not contain alcohol. Silver Hydrosol Disinfectant Spray can be used on masks, clothes, smartphones, doorknobs, bedrooms, etc.