Chakra Balancing
- Commentary by Maurizio Morelli -
The characteristics of the seven chakras
The seven evolved chakras represent the seven fundamental vibrations of the universe.
When white sunlight passes through a prism or a drop of water, it splits into seven diverse color vibrations, each with its own specific wavelength. These hues are the first and most important manifestations on Earth of the seven fundamental vibrations of the universe, which are the origin and sustainer of all life.
The micro and the macro are interrelated and interacting. Every human being is a universe itself, a representation, a conglomerate.
As the expression of a particular level of energy, every chakra contains within it the full potential for development and evolution as well as divinity. The chakras become a mode of interpreting reality in a holistic sense.
Swami Sivananda, one of the greatest masters of the 20th century, defines chakras as the interface between the body and the mind. They are subtle energy clusters in which each of us defines our own projects of creation and realization. Chakra means circle or wheel. Like all energy manifestations, chakras appear in spiral form.
The seven most important evolutionary chakras correspond to different parts of the spine and head, and they maintain and govern the connection between the earth and sky dimensions in which man lives.
The chakras are very closely related to the nervous system, the endocrine system, one slow, the other fast, two systems for the control and regulation of numerous mind-body functions, and also to the major organs and their functions.
Emotions, sensations, state of mind, tendencies towards improvement etc. all have a definite relationship with each chakra and by analyzing its vibrational level we can get clear answers to many important questions.
The chakra system is a complex body of knowledge that interacts with the self and only works to its full potential when in balance. Excess, deficiency or imbalance of chakra energy can result in behavioral changes, inhibitions and bodily dysfunction. It is also important to note that such imbalances can indicate the possibility of opening up and growth towards higher levels of evolution.
Now, let me explain the corresponding areas of each chakra, the energy functions, and the types of ailments that appear when they are out of balance.1st Chakra: Muladhara <br>Muladhara relates to the entire physical body, the adrenal glands, bones, joints, perineum, rectum, blood, nails and teeth, nose and sense of smell.
Muladhara energy is concentrated, formed and maintained and manifests as the instincts for survival and self-preservation, a sense of boundaries and control of territory, primal instincts, great strength and physical endurance, an empathetic relationship with the nature spirits, slow learning abilities and difficulty accepting change and new things.
When this chakra is out of balance, it can manifest as bone and joint disorders, low blood pressure, weakness, lack of energy, motion sickness, teeth and gum problems, brittle nails, and being overweight or underweight. Psychologically, it can cause mental stagnation, aversion to new things, learning and relationship problems, materialistic and possessive tendencies, doubts about one's ability to survive, and sudden outbursts of anger.
Second Chakra: Swadhisthana Swadhisthana is associated with the reproductive organs, tongue and taste buds, kidneys, lymphatic system, large intestine, hands, hair, 5th lumbar vertebra, and front of the legs. It governs and regulates the functions related to sexuality, purification and elimination of bodily fluids, and the absorption of energy.
Swadhisthana energy manifests as the pulsation of life force, contraction and expansion, and a direct, empathic relationship with others and the world. The first chakra is under the control of need, not having and the fear of losing, and the second chakra is dominated by desire and the pursuit of pleasure.
An imbalance in this chakra can manifest itself in the following ways: sexual dysfunction, excessive or blocked emotions, mood swings, eating disorders, cystitis, frequent crying or sighing, jealousy towards the opposite sex, social difficulties, herniated discs, inability to make choices, decreased creativity, back pain, colitis, and drug addiction.
The third chakra: Manipura . Manipura is associated with the digestive system, the process of converting food into energy and constructive substances. These organs are the stomach, pancreas, liver, bladder, gallbladder and small intestine. It also has a direct connection to the solar plexus, diaphragm, eyes, voluntary muscle system and the last vertebra, the lumbar vertebra.
The main function of the Manipura Chakra is to produce energy through combustion, which produces radiation and activity.
Imbalances in this chakra can manifest as pain, disorders or altered functioning of the digestive organs, erratic breathing (the diaphragm connects the third and fourth chakras), visual problems, perfectionism, aggression, frustration, feelings of inferiority, delusions of grandeur, unbridled ambition and a desire to dominate.
4th Chakra: Anahata <br>Anahata is associated with the heart and circulatory system, the immune system, the lungs and breathing, the skin and touch, the rib cage, sternum, shoulders and arms (same as the 5th).
Connected with Anahata, the air element, is the "Love Chakra" and the increased capacity for love creates expansion, lightness and movement. There is a deep and fundamental expansion of consciousness and the development of many psychic potentials.
Imbalances in this chakra can manifest as disorders of the circulatory and immune systems, skin and breathing, inability to manage emotional relationships, indifference and coldness towards others, masochism, alienation, selfishness, jealousy and pettiness. When this chakra is balanced and awakened, it can bring about a beautiful and deep spirituality.
5th Chakra: Vishuddha <br>Vishuddha is associated with the neck and throat, thyroid gland, pharyngeal plexus, palate (same as the 6th), tongue, ears, hearing, cervical vertebrae, bronchi, apex of the lungs, shoulders and face.
Vishuddha energy is the connection and communication between the personal and the whole, the particular and the general. It is subject to the laws of resonance and sympathetic vibration, connecting with the body through the breath and with the mind through symbols.
Imbalance in this chakra can manifest as depression, self-pity, pessimism, isolation, stifled creativity, lying, shyness, boasting, mutism, and physically as throat and neck disorders, thyroid disorders, jaw stiffness, hoarseness, tinnitus, torticollis, coughing, hearing loss, stuttering, and asthma.
6th Chakra: Ajna Ajna is associated with the nervous system, pituitary gland, brow center, eyes and inner vision.
Ajna energy is very subtle, intangible and powerful at the same time. It is the strength of thought and enables the various activities of the mind - understanding, intuition, mental creativity and clairvoyance.
When this chakra is out of balance, problems with the nervous system and poor use of mental energy appear: first, impaired attention and concentration, then neurosis and psychopathology, confusion, lack of contact with reality, migraines, neurasthenia, sinusitis, eye tension, insomnia, heaviness in the head, tremors, dizziness (together with the 7th).
The 7th Chakra: Sahasrara <br>Sahasrara represents for each of us the privileged channel that connects us to spirit, the absolute and the eternal. Physically, it is physically associated with the central nervous system along with the pineal gland, the vestibular gland, the cerebral cortex and the Ajna chakra.
When this chakra is out of balance, symptoms of mental illness, emptiness, trembling, headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, unstable balance, mental confusion, lack of attention and concentration, schizophrenia, dizziness, and sudden fears of death can appear.
Synergy between the chakras
Chakras do not exist in isolation, they are all part of a whole. We need to understand the interrelationships, interactions, and how imbalances affect the other chakras. We need to make the leap from the detail to the whole, to broaden our perspective and see the bigger picture. It is very rare for one chakra to be out of balance on its own.
Commentator Profile
Maurizio Morelli
An expert in spiritual and natural therapies, he has been practicing yoga since 1967 and is known as the leading yoga expert in Italy.
For many years, he has been researching the energy of the seven evolutionary chakras, and has published many books summarizing his findings. In collaboration with Fiore D'Oriente , he launched the "Chakra Series," a mixture of products based on pure essential oils aimed at balancing the seven chakras.