Fiore D'Oriente

Who is Fiore D'Oriente?

Who is Fiore D'Oriente?

About the brand

Fiore d'Oriente was founded in 1988 to revive the natural honey incense of the ancient Vedic tradition. Honey incense is packed with knowledge and traditions passed down through generations, including ancient Vedic teachings, the phases of the moon, and the movements of the sun and planets. Experience the power of this special incense with a 400-year history.

About the brand

Commitment to ingredients and manufacturing methods

To perfectly recreate this special incense, we needed to use the same natural ingredients as in the 400-year-old recipe.
Honey, trees, essential oils, spices, resins...
Some come from the jungles deep in India, and some are made by nomads.
The ingredients for our masala* are all carefully selected from India, Arabia, Africa and other parts of the world.
The manufacturing process is all handmade, with each piece rolled by hand.
Nothing has changed in the last 400 years.

*Masala...incense paste

Commitment to ingredients and manufacturing methods

The world's first organically certified incense

The "Marco Polo's Treasures" series is the world's first organic incense to receive the French ECOCERT certification. It currently holds the Italian organic certification ICEA. The reason we insist on using organic incense is because it is made for holistic purposes. We aim to maximize the healing power of the natural ingredients used as raw materials, and to aid in purification, concentration, prayer, and introspection.

The world's first organically certified incense

Exploring vibrations and frequencies

Each substance has its own frequency, and there is a type of vibrational medicine that maintains physical and mental health by balancing these frequencies. At Fiore d'Oriente, we have conducted extensive research into these vibrations and frequencies, and have succeeded in fusing them with ancient holistic medicine and traditional fragrance manufacturing methods. These are vibrational fragrances. These are special fragrances that resonate with specific frequencies and balance energy. Both the Chakra Series and the Marco Polo Series use vibrational fragrances.

Marco Polo Series

Marco Polo Series

Marco Polo's Treasures

Organic incense made from ingredients from the Silk Road, where Marco Polo traveled on camelback. All ingredients have MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) and COA (Certificate of Analysis). Incense has been used for prayer, yoga, meditation, purification and religious ceremonies since ancient times. We believe that incense must be absolutely pure because it is an important item for connecting with yourself, your ancestors, primordial memories and divinity. We are also particular about the purity of natural ingredients because we are well aware of how great an effect they have on the body, mind and soul.

Main Ingredients


It has a very subtle scent that some people may not detect, but it brings instant relaxation.

Siamese Benzoin

It clears negative moods and aids in mental focus.


The Arabian variety has a sweet aroma, while the Ethiopian variety has a pungent aroma. It has a strong cleansing effect and has been used in Catholic religious ceremonies for thousands of years.


Powdered bark from the Linden tree. Its warm, spicy scent stimulates the second chakra.

Palo Santo

A strong, long-lasting woody scent, said to be effective for purification and prophecy.

Mysore Sandals

The delicate sweet and woody scent is effective for focus, meditation and relaxation.

Black Stolas

Its sweet scent has been used for purification and prophecy.

Chakra Series

Chakra Series

About the Chakra Series

Chakras are sometimes called wheels or circles, but they are structures of rotation and gyration of energy. They are also communication points between the body and the mind. The seven main chakras are closely related to the endocrine and nervous systems, each with its corresponding organ, and are located along the spine to the hollows of the skull. When the chakras are out of balance, the body and the mind become separated, and we become weak like a plant deprived of light. This results in illness, a cessation of thought, and a wasteful mind.
On the other hand, a balanced chakra brings about well-being, optimal functioning of the corresponding organs, and a strong flow of energy. In the chakra system, energy and consciousness are complementary sides of the same coin.
The seven chakras are like seven-color light bulbs that, when energized, light up and reveal higher dimensional visions and consciousness that were not visible before. It is similar to being in a dark room and not being able to comprehend the objects around you, but when the light is turned on, everything becomes instantly clear. When your chakras are awakened, many things become clear and you will wonder why you didn't understand them before.

The Seven Chakras

Chakra Name/Keyword
Location: Body part
Organs: Symbolic organs and glands
Disorders: Areas where disorders appear when the chakras are out of balance
At a time like this

First Chakra
Muladhara/Stability and vitality
Location: Coccyx
Organs: Reproductive organs, spinal cord, kidneys
Disorders: Poor circulation, anemia
I want to concentrate, I want to change reality, I want a sense of security, I want to satisfy my desires.

Second Chakra
Swadhisthana/Pleasure and Sexuality
Location: Below the navel
Organs: genitourinary tract, large intestine
Disorders: breathing, kidneys
I want to build good relationships, I want to free my five senses, I want to be more attractive.

Third Chakra
Manipura/Self-confidence and Identity
Location: Epigastric
Organs: Digestive system, adrenal glands
Disorders: gastrointestinal, pancreatic, liver
I want to feel more confident, I want to be in control of my mind, I want to achieve my goals

Fourth Chakra
Anahata/Love and Harmony
Location: Center of chest
Organs: Circulatory system, Thymus
Disorder: Heart
I want to improve my self-esteem, accept others, and stabilize my mental state.

Fifth Chakra
Vishuddha/Expression and Communication
Location: Throat
Organs: Respiratory system, thyroid
Disorder: Thyroid
I want to improve my ability to express myself, communicate well, and realize my dreams.

The Sixth Chakra
Ajna/Intelligence and Inspiration
Location: Between the eyebrows
Organs: Autonomic nervous system, pineal gland
Disorder: Eyeballs
I want to hone my intuition and insight, enrich my imagination, and engage in deep introspection.

Seventh Chakra
Location: Top of the head
Organ: Central nervous system
Illness: Mental
I want to be in harmony with all things, I want to connect with a higher being, I want to live a life filled with love and peace.


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