Read in English電磁界の影響について
電磁界の影響について - 1
- 慢性疲労
- 慢性的な頭痛/片頭痛
- うつ病
- 消化器系の問題
- 記憶の問題
- ストレスや不安の慢性的な感情
- 不眠症
- 動悸
電磁界の影響について - 2
- スピーカーフォンを使用し、電話を頭に近づけない。Bluetoothを避ける。
- 携帯電話が体の近くにあるときや運転しているときはスマートフォンを機内モードにする。
- EMFシールドを使用する
- 夜間にWi-Fiをオフにする
- プラグインとWi-Fiの使用を制限する
2009年に、British Journal of Radiologyは、ローズマリーのカルノソール酸が変異原性活性からの重要な保護を提供できることを発見した研究を発表しました。ローズマリーが放射線によって引き起こされたダメージと戦うために体自身の防御機能をサポートする働きです。
- ナチュラルウォーター:2カップ
- 細かく刻んだローズマリーの葉:小さじ2〜3杯
- オーガニック蜂蜜:甘くしたい場合お好みで
- ローズマリーエッセンシャルオイル:小さじ半分
- ホホバオイル:60ml
Index of this content
日本語で読む- About the influence of EMF - 1
- About the influence of EMF - 2
- EMF and essential oils
- Rosemary Tea recipe
About the influence of EMF - 1
With increasing technology (5G, WIFI, and EMF), highly sensitives people (HSP) are especially affected by the effects of EMF (electromagnetic field) , and it's important to mitigate some of the side effects of our tech gadgets.
Research shows that continued exposure to radiation can create:
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic headaches/migraines
- Depression
- Digestive issues
- Memory problems
- Chronic feelings of stress or anxiety
- Insomnia
- Heart palpitations
About the influence of EMF - 2
According to Cancer.gov, cell phones emit radiofrequency radiation (radio waves), a form of non-ionizing radiation, from their antennas. Parts of the body nearest to the antenna can absorb this energy.
High-frequency EMF’s (microwave) exposure showed a disturbance of red blood cells and membranes in this study.
EMFs have an effect on immune system suppression, blood cell functions, and cellular communication.
There are many ways of avoiding or reducing the exposure to EMF.
- Using speakerphone and not putting the phone close to your head, avoid blue tooth
- Putting phones in airplane mode WHENEVER it is near the body and when driving
- Getting “shielded” (getting a EMF shield)
- Turning off Wi-Fi at night
- Plugging in versus using Wi-Fi
EMF and essential oils
Electromagnetic frequencies are described in units called hertz (Hz). Essential oil frequency is also described in hertz units.
It is important that you use 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils to get the full effect.
There is some interesting research on Rosemary essential oil, where it has been found that you can remove the radiation from your body through Rosemary essential oil.
In 2009, The British Journal of Radiology published a study that found that the carnosol acids in rosemary could offer significant protection from mutagenic activity. This means that rosemary acts as a protectant by encouraging the body’s own defense mechanisms to fight the damage caused by radiation.
So a way to use rosemary as a EMF remover is to drink it in tea.
Rosemary Tea recipe
- 2 cups of pure /natural water.
- 2 to 3 teaspoons of finely chopped rosemary leaves
- Organic honey to sweeten (optional)
boiling the water, turn off the flame, add rosemary and allow to steep for 10 minutes, strain, and drink every day.
If you don’t like rosemary tea you can use Rosemary essential oil:
- rosemary essential oil
- jojoba oil:60ml
Rub this mixture on the bottom of your feet every night before bed.
Source: https://www.guidetowholenesshealing.com/single-post/essential-oils-for-emf-protection
Source: https://naturalon.com/protect-yourself-from-emf-radiation-with-this-one-herb/view-all/